Thursday, August 28, 2008

Workshop with CARCAMO

Hey volks,
With some friends we did a 4 day workshop with a Chilean guy called CARCAMO. Like most chilean people its a very friendly guy.
The first days you learn the very basic of how to make the simple things with watercolor (its like playing simple note on guitar). So stuff is how to make a gradient, a superposition of color, the wet to wet and dry painting things, the paper difference...
Until you get to the 2 last lessons where you begin to be on your own, well almost. Carcamo always has an eyes on your stuff and redirect yourself on each failure. He is a fast and patient teacher, You will be able in 4 days only to approach a painting technicaly. You will lose any fear so fast but learn also how hard and complex the watercolor can be, especialy simple things like controling the water, the pigment and the uniformity of the boss together. For me a must workshop here in SAO PAULO where Carcamo has his atelier.
Here is the last unfinished picture. Ending the workshop will be an 2 EXTRA day on live painting in the zoologic park.


Bianca Viani said...

uauuu Fred !!!!

CárcamO said...

Bom trabalho Fred! Vai enfrente que tem tudo para conquistar a aquarela. Você já desenha muito bem .
um abraço do amigo